Unlock the Power of Selenium Version 4 with Python Behave: A Step-by-Step Guide to Connecting with SeeTest
Image by Audria - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlock the Power of Selenium Version 4 with Python Behave: A Step-by-Step Guide to Connecting with SeeTest

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Are you tired of tedious testing processes and looking for a more efficient way to automate your web applications? Look no further! Selenium Version 4, combined with Python Behave, is the perfect solution for you. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you through the process of setting up and using Selenium Version 4 with Python Behave to connect with SeeTest, a cutting-edge cloud-based testing platform.

What is Selenium Version 4?

Selenium Version 4 is the latest iteration of the popular open-source automation tool, Selenium. It’s designed to provide a more efficient and reliable way to automate web browsers, making it an ideal choice for testing web applications. With Selenium Version 4, you can automate Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and other browsers with ease.

What is Python Behave?

Python Behave is a BDD (Behavior-Driven Development) framework that allows you to write tests in a natural language style. It’s a popular choice among testers and developers due to its simplicity and flexibility. With Python Behave, you can write tests that are easy to read and maintain, making it an ideal choice for automating web applications.

What is SeeTest?

SeeTest is a cloud-based testing platform that allows you to automate your web applications with ease. It’s designed to provide a scalable and reliable way to test your applications, making it an ideal choice for teams of all sizes. With SeeTest, you can automate your tests, run them in parallel, and get instant results.

Setting Up Selenium Version 4 with Python Behave

To get started, you’ll need to install Selenium Version 4 and Python Behave. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get set up:

  1. Install Python: If you haven’t already, install Python on your machine. You can download it from the official Python website.

  2. Install Selenium Version 4: Once you have Python installed, you can install Selenium Version 4 using pip. Open your terminal or command prompt and type:

    pip install selenium

  3. Install Python Behave: Next, install Python Behave using pip. Type:

    pip install behave

Writing Your First Test with Python Behave

Now that you have Selenium Version 4 and Python Behave installed, it’s time to write your first test. Create a new file called features/google_search.feature and add the following code:

Feature: Google Search
  As a user
  I want to search for something on Google
  So that I can get relevant results

Scenario 1: Search for Selenium
  Given I am on the Google homepage
  When I search for "Selenium"
  Then I should see relevant results

This test is written in a natural language style, making it easy to read and understand. It defines a feature called “Google Search” and a scenario called “Search for Selenium.”

Implementing the Test with Python Behave

To implement the test, you’ll need to create a Python file called features/steps/google_search_steps.py and add the following code:

from behave import *
from selenium import webdriver

@given("I am on the Google homepage")
def step_impl(context):
    context.browser = webdriver.Chrome()

@when("I search for {search_term}")
def step_impl(context, search_term):
    search_box = context.browser.find_element_by_name("q")

@then("I should see relevant results")
def step_impl(context):
    results = context.browser.find_elements_by_class_name("g")
    assert len(results) > 0

This code defines three steps: one for navigating to the Google homepage, one for searching for a term, and one for verifying that relevant results are displayed.

Running Your First Test

To run your first test, navigate to the directory where your feature file is located and type:


This will run your test and display the results. You should see a passing test, indicating that your test was successful.

Connecting to SeeTest

To connect to SeeTest, you’ll need to create an account and obtain an API key. Once you have your API key, you can modify your test to connect to SeeTest.

Here’s an example of how you can modify your test to connect to SeeTest:

from selenium import webdriver
from Seetest import Seetest

# Create a new instance of the Seetest class
seetest = Seetest("your_api_key")

# Create a new Chrome browser instance
browser = webdriver.Chrome()

# Navigate to the Google homepage

# Perform your test actions
search_box = browser.find_element_by_name("q")

# Get the results
results = browser.find_elements_by_class_name("g")

# Verify that relevant results are displayed
assert len(results) > 0

# Close the browser

# Report the test results to SeeTest
seetest.report_test("Google Search", "Pass")

This code connects to SeeTest using the API key, performs the test actions, and reports the test results to SeeTest.

Benefits of Using Selenium Version 4 with Python Behave and SeeTest

Using Selenium Version 4 with Python Behave and SeeTest provides numerous benefits, including:

  • Faster test execution: With Selenium Version 4, you can automate your tests faster than ever before.

  • Improved reliability: Selenium Version 4 provides a more reliable way to automate your tests, reducing the risk of failures.

  • Scalability: SeeTest allows you to scale your testing efforts, making it an ideal choice for teams of all sizes.

  • Easy maintenance: Python Behave makes it easy to maintain your tests, reducing the time and effort required to keep your tests up-to-date.

  • Clear reporting: SeeTest provides clear and concise reporting, making it easy to identify and fix issues.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve covered the process of setting up and using Selenium Version 4 with Python Behave to connect with SeeTest. With this powerful combination, you can automate your web applications with ease, reducing the time and effort required to test your applications.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can unlock the power of Selenium Version 4, Python Behave, and SeeTest, taking your testing efforts to the next level.

Tool Description
Selenium Version 4 Open-source automation tool for automating web browsers
Python Behave BDD framework for writing tests in a natural language style
SeeTest Cloud-based testing platform for automating web applications

We hope this guide has been informative and helpful. Happy testing!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of Selenium version 4 using Python Behave to connect SeeTest! We’ve got you covered with the most frequently asked questions.

What is Selenium version 4, and how does it differ from its predecessors?

Selenium version 4 is the latest iteration of the popular automation tool, offering improved performance, stability, and flexibility. It brings many exciting changes, including the removal of the Selenium Grid, improved support for Chrome and Edge, and a brand-new API. With Selenium 4, you can say goodbye to the complexities of the Grid and hello to a more streamlined automation experience!

How do I set up Python Behave to connect with SeeTest for automation?

To get started, you’ll need to install Python, Behave, and the SeeTest plugin. Then, create a new Behave project, add the necessary configurations, and write your test steps using Gherkin syntax. Don’t forget to import the SeeTest library and establish a connection to your SeeTest cloud or on-premise instance. With these steps, you’ll be ready to run your automation tests and see the magic happen!

What are the benefits of using Selenium version 4 with Python Behave and SeeTest?

This powerful combo brings numerous benefits, including faster test execution, improved test stability, and enhanced support for modern browsers. With Selenium 4, you’ll experience reduced test flakiness and improved performance. Python Behave simplifies test authoring and maintenance, while SeeTest provides a robust cloud-based infrastructure for scalable test automation. It’s a match made in heaven!

Can I use Selenium version 4 with Python Behave and SeeTest for mobile automation?

Absolutely! SeeTest provides robust support for mobile automation, and Selenium 4 works seamlessly with mobile browsers. You can use Appium and the Selenium 4 WebDriver to automate mobile tests, and Python Behave makes it easy to author and execute your tests. Whether you’re testing iOS, Android, or both, this combo has got you covered!

What kind of support and resources are available for Selenium version 4, Python Behave, and SeeTest?

You’re not alone! The Selenium, Behave, and SeeTest communities are vibrant and active, with plenty of resources available. From official documentation to tutorials, webinars, and forums, you’ll find the support you need to get started and stay ahead. Plus, our amazing teams are always working on new features and improvements to make your automation journey smoother!