How to Ensure That Dependencies Are Not Missing When Using pnpm & tsc?
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How to Ensure That Dependencies Are Not Missing When Using pnpm & tsc?

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Are you tired of dealing with missing dependencies when using pnpm and tsc? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of package management and type checking to provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to ensure that dependencies are not missing when using pnpm and tsc.

What is pnpm and tsc?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s quickly cover what pnpm and tsc are.

  • pnpm (performant npm) is a package manager for JavaScript that aims to be faster and more efficient than traditional npm. It’s known for its speed, reliability, and security features.
  • tsc (TypeScript Compiler) is a type checking tool for JavaScript that helps catch errors and improve code maintainability. It’s a crucial tool for ensuring that your code is error-free and follows best practices.

The Problem: Missing Dependencies

When using pnpm and tsc together, it’s common to encounter issues with missing dependencies. This can happen due to various reasons, including:

  • Incorrectly installed packages
  • Incomplete package installation
  • Version conflicts between dependencies
  • Type declarations not being generated correctly

These issues can lead to frustrating errors, wasted time, and decreased productivity. But fear not! We’ve got you covered.

Solution 1: Verify Package Installation

The first step in ensuring that dependencies are not missing is to verify that packages are installed correctly. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Run the command pnpm ls in your project’s root directory to list all installed packages.
  2. Check the output for any missing or incorrectly installed packages.
  3. If you find any issues, run the command pnpm install to reinstall packages.

This step helps ensure that all packages are installed correctly and that there are no version conflicts.

Solution 2: Use the `–filter` Flag with tsc

The `–filter` flag is a powerful tool that helps tsc focus on specific files or directories. By using this flag, you can ensure that only required files are type-checked, reducing the likelihood of missing dependencies.

tsc --filter "**/*.{js,ts,tsx}" src

In this example, the `–filter` flag tells tsc to only type-check files with .js, .ts, or .tsx extensions in the src directory.

Solution 3: Use the `—rootDir` Flag with tsc

The `–rootDir` flag specifies the root directory of your project, allowing tsc to correctly resolve dependencies. This flag is especially useful when working with monorepos or complex project structures.

tsc --rootDir src --outDir lib

In this example, the `–rootDir` flag tells tsc that the src directory is the root of the project, and the `–outDir` flag specifies the output directory for compiled files.

Solution 4: Use the `–composite` Flag with tsc

The `–composite` flag enables composite builds, which allow tsc to build multiple projects in parallel. This flag can significantly improve build performance and reduce the likelihood of missing dependencies.

tsc --composite --build src

In this example, the `–composite` flag tells tsc to enable composite builds for the src directory.

Solution 5: Use a `tsconfig.json` File

A `tsconfig.json` file provides a centralized configuration for tsc. By specifying dependencies and settings in this file, you can ensure that tsc correctly resolves dependencies and generates type declarations.

  "compilerOptions": {
    "outDir": "lib",
    "rootDir": "src",
    "Composite": true,
    "incremental": true,
    "esModuleInterop": true
  "include": ["src/**/*.{js,ts,tsx}"]

In this example, the `tsconfig.json` file specifies the output directory, root directory, and other settings for tsc. The `include` field specifies the files and directories that should be type-checked.

Solution 6: Verify Type Declarations

Type declarations are essential for ensuring that dependencies are correctly typed. You can verify type declarations using the following command:

tsc --noEmit --allowJs

This command tells tsc to type-check your code without emitting any compiled files. If you encounter any errors, it’s likely due to missing or incorrect type declarations.


Missing dependencies can be a frustrating issue when using pnpm and tsc. However, by following the solutions outlined in this article, you can ensure that dependencies are correctly installed and type-checked. Remember to:

  • Verify package installation using pnpm ls and pnpm install
  • Use the `–filter` flag with tsc to focus on specific files or directories
  • Use the `–rootDir` flag with tsc to specify the root directory of your project
  • Use the `–composite` flag with tsc to enable composite builds
  • Use a `tsconfig.json` file to provide a centralized configuration for tsc
  • Verify type declarations using tsc --noEmit --allowJs

By following these best practices, you can ensure that your dependencies are correctly installed and type-checked, reducing errors and increasing productivity.

Solution Description
Verify Package Installation Use pnpm ls and pnpm install to ensure correct package installation
Use the `–filter` Flag Focus on specific files or directories with tsc
Use the `–rootDir` Flag Specify the root directory of your project with tsc
Use the `–composite` Flag Enable composite builds with tsc
Use a `tsconfig.json` File Provide a centralized configuration for tsc
Verify Type Declarations Use tsc --noEmit --allowJs to verify type declarations

By implementing these solutions, you’ll be well on your way to ensuring that dependencies are not missing when using pnpm and tsc.

Frequently Asked Question

Missing dependencies can be a real pain when using pnpm and tsc. Here are some FAQs to help you ensure that all your dependencies are accounted for!

Q: What is the first thing I should do to avoid missing dependencies?

A: Make sure to run `pnpm install` or `pnpm i` in your project root to install all dependencies listed in your `package.json` file. This command will install all dependencies, including those specified in the `dependencies` and `devDependencies` fields.

Q: How can I ensure that my `tsconfig.json` file includes all necessary dependencies?

A: In your `tsconfig.json` file, include the `composite` flag set to `true`. This flag tells the TypeScript compiler to compile all dependencies in the `node_modules` directory, ensuring that no dependencies are missed.

Q: What about peer dependencies? How do I ensure they’re included?

A: Peer dependencies can be a bit tricky. To ensure they’re included, use the `–peer-deps` flag when running `pnpm install`. This flag tells pnpm to install peer dependencies along with regular dependencies. You can also add peer dependencies to your `package.json` file manually.

Q: Can I use a `pnpm` hook to automate dependency installation?

A: Yes, you can! pnpm provides a `postinstall` hook that allows you to run scripts after installation. You can use this hook to automate dependency installation, ensuring that all dependencies are installed whenever you run `pnpm install`.

Q: What if I’m using a monorepo? How do I ensure dependencies are installed correctly?

A: When using a monorepo, it’s essential to use a tool like `pnpm` with the `–recursive` flag. This flag tells pnpm to install dependencies recursively, ensuring that all dependencies in your monorepo are installed correctly. You can also use a `pnpm` configuration file to specify the dependencies for each package in your monorepo.