Unsticking Your Redshift Spectrum Table Query: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Audria - hkhazo.biz.id

Unsticking Your Redshift Spectrum Table Query: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of watching your Redshift Spectrum table query stuck on the “discover attribute” phase, wondering what’s causing the delay and how to overcome it? You’re not alone! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of Redshift Spectrum, exploring the reasons behind this annoying issue and providing you with actionable solutions to get your query running smoothly.

What is Redshift Spectrum?

Before we dive into the fix, let’s quickly cover the basics. Redshift Spectrum is a powerful feature in Amazon Redshift that allows you to query data in Amazon S3 as if it were a local Redshift table. This enables you to seamlessly integrate data from various sources, process large datasets, and scale your analytics capabilities.

The Discover Attribute Phase: What’s Going On?

When you create a Redshift Spectrum table, the system goes through several phases to prepare the data for querying. One of these phases is the “discover attribute” phase, where Redshift Spectrum analyzes the data files in S3 to determine the column names, data types, and other metadata. This phase is critical, as it sets the stage for subsequent queries.

However, sometimes the discover attribute phase can get stuck, causing frustration and delays. So, what’s causing this bottleneck?

Culprits Behind the Discover Attribute Phase Stuck Issue

Several factors can contribute to the discover attribute phase getting stuck. Let’s explore some common culprits:

  • Large Data Files: If your S3 data files are extremely large, the discover attribute phase might struggle to process them, leading to delays or timeouts.
  • Complex Data Structures: If your data files contain complex structures, such as deeply nested JSON or Avro files, Redshift Spectrum might have trouble parsing the data, causing the phase to stall.
  • Insufficient Resources: If your Redshift cluster lacks sufficient resources (e.g., CPU, memory, or nodes), it might not be able to handle the workload, leading to the discover attribute phase getting stuck.
  • S3 Bucket Permissions: Ensure that your Redshift cluster has the necessary permissions to access the S3 bucket and data files. Any permission issues can cause the phase to fail or stall.
  • Network Connectivity: Network connectivity issues between your Redshift cluster and S3 can also contribute to the discover attribute phase getting stuck.

Step-by-Step Solutions to Unstick Your Redshift Spectrum Table Query

Now that we’ve identified the potential culprits, let’s dive into the solutions to get your Redshift Spectrum table query unstuck:

Solution 1: Optimize Your Data Files

Split large data files into smaller, more manageable chunks to reduce the processing time:

-- Create a new table with optimized data files
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE schema.optimized_table (
  column1 varchar(256),
  column2 integer
PARTITIONED BY (dt varchar(256))
LOCATION 's3://bucket-name/optimized_data/';

Solution 2: Simplify Complex Data Structures

Use data transformation techniques, such as JSON法人 or Avro flattening, to simplify complex data structures:

-- Create a new table with simplified data structures
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE schema.simplified_table (
  column1 varchar(256),
  column2 integer,
  column3 varchar(256)
PARTITIONED BY (dt varchar(256))
LOCATION 's3://bucket-name/simplified_data/';

Solution 3: Scale Your Redshift Cluster

Upgrade your Redshift cluster to increase resources (e.g., CPU, memory, or nodes) and handle the workload more efficiently:

-- Scale up your Redshift cluster
ALTER CLUSTER my_cluster
TYPE dc2.8xlarge
NODETYPE dc2.8xlarge

Solution 4: Verify S3 Bucket Permissions

Ensure your Redshift cluster has the necessary permissions to access the S3 bucket and data files:

-- Grant necessary permissions to your Redshift cluster
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA spectrum_schema TO ROLE my_redshift_role;
GRANT SELECT ON TABLE spectrum_schema.my_table TO ROLE my_redshift_role;

Solution 5: Check Network Connectivity

Verify network connectivity between your Redshift cluster and S3:

-- Check network connectivity using the Redshift console
WHERE service_name = 's3';

Additional Tips and Best Practices

To avoid getting stuck in the discover attribute phase, follow these best practices:

  • Monitor Your Redshift Cluster: Regularly monitor your Redshift cluster’s performance, CPU utilization, and memory usage to identify potential bottlenecks.
  • Optimize Your Data Files: Ensure your data files are optimized for Redshift Spectrum, with proper data typing and formatting.
  • Use Partitioning: Utilize partitioning to divide your data into smaller, more manageable chunks, reducing the processing time and improving query performance.
  • Leverage Data Caching: Use data caching to store frequently accessed data in memory, reducing the need for repeated data processing and improving query performance.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve explored the reasons behind the discover attribute phase getting stuck in Redshift Spectrum and provided actionable solutions to overcome this issue. By following the steps outlined above and adopting best practices, you’ll be well on your way to optimizing your Redshift Spectrum table query and getting the insights you need from your data.

Remember, a well-performing Redshift Spectrum table query is just a few optimizations away!

Keyword Description
Redshift Spectrum A feature in Amazon Redshift that allows querying data in Amazon S3 as if it were a local Redshift table.
Discover Attribute Phase A phase in Redshift Spectrum where the system analyses data files in S3 to determine column names, data types, and other metadata.
  1. Amazon Redshift Spectrum Documentation

Frequently Asked Question

Get stuck on the Redshift spectrum table query? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you troubleshoot the issue.

Why does my Redshift spectrum table query get stuck on the discover attribute?

This issue usually occurs when the discover attribute is not properly defined or is too complex, causing the query to hang indefinitely. To resolve this, review your attribute definition and simplify it if possible. Additionally, check if there are any dependencies or circular references that might be causing the query to stall.

How do I identify the problematic column causing the query to get stuck?

You can use the Redshift console to identify the problematic column. Go to the Query Editor, and click on the “Explain” button next to your query. This will generate an execution plan that shows which columns are causing the delay. Look for columns with high execution times or complex operations, and optimize those first.

Can I use the LIMIT clause to speed up the query and avoid getting stuck?

While using the LIMIT clause can help speed up the query, it’s not a foolproof solution. If the problematic column is not properly optimized, the query can still get stuck even with a LIMIT clause. Instead, focus on optimizing the column definitions and dependencies to ensure the query runs efficiently.

What are some best practices to avoid getting stuck on the discover attribute?

To avoid getting stuck, follow these best practices: define attributes carefully, avoid complex dependencies, use simple and concise column names, and test queries incrementally. Additionally, use the Redshift documentation and community resources to stay up-to-date with the latest optimization techniques and best practices.

Can I Contact AWS Support if my query is still stuck after trying the above solutions?

Absolutely! If you’ve tried the above solutions and your query is still stuck, don’t hesitate to reach out to AWS Support. They can provide personalized assistance and help you troubleshoot the issue. Make sure to provide detailed information about your query, error messages, and any optimization attempts you’ve made so far.